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"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Self-Help Tip #28: Breathe


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Have THREE minutes?

I know . . . you're "too busy," BUT I invite you take THREE minutes (now) to contemplate your breath, and feel gratitude that YOU ARE BEING BREATHED - 100% beyond your control! We know breathing is the "biological process that occurs when air is inhaled, circulated through the lungs and exhaled" . . .   

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Self-Help Tip #27: Make Your Bed


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

The time it takes you to read this e-mail, is likely the same amount of time it'll take to make your bed this morning. So . . . just do it. 

I know, it's tempting to roll out of bed and leave a tangled mess of sheets, blankets and pillows. (After all, we'll be climbing back in soon enough). But, "making your bed daily promotes alacrity and introduces the discipline of habit into your daily routine,...

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Self-Help Tip #26: Take A Vow Of Silence


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Ever tire from talking? I've been on 10-day silent meditation retreats, that allowed me to cease the senseless chatter. Being "stuck" in a blizzard today is another golden opportunity to surrender, and get quiet. "Remaining silent can promote contemplation and force practitioners to focus inward" - resulting in: 

  • A spiritual/ religious experience, or at the very...
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Self-Help Tip #25: Ride A Bike


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With the proper gear (and nice weather), riding a bike can have many benefits, including:

  • Enjoying the outdoors 
  • Low-impact cardiovascular exercise
  • Toned legs
  • Getting from point A to B (while avoiding traffic jams)

If it's freezing outside, and you're stuck inside, dreaming of Florida bike rides (like me) - then a stationary bike could be a second best.

Amen for Peleton?

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Self-Help Tip #24: Go To Therapy


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There's no shame in wanting to vent a bit. But because our friends and family are likely tapped out with their own issues, who else can offer a supportive listening ear, to help us work through our thoughts? 

Therapy can "help you address and modify negative thought and behavior patterns that affect your quality of life.Over the years I've worked with a handful of therapists, and...

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Self-Help Tip #23: Self-Medicate


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

So far 2022 feels as uncertain as 2021... wildfires, snowstorms, school cancellations, deaths (including dear Sidney Poitier - and Bob Saget). Times like these prompt us to look for ways to relieve stress and cheer ourselves up; or at least distract our minds." Giving yourself permission to mentally check out is necessary every once in a while" . . .

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Self-Help Tip #22: Get A Massage


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

As we welcome the new year, we assess how we're doing - including our physical "temple" (fascia, joints, pressure points, skeleton, tendons, 650 muscles, etc.) If your body is overdue for a tune-up, gifting yourself a massage can help you:

  • Relax (decrease symptoms of anxiety)
  • Loosen up (reduce hypertension)
  • Boost immunity, and
  • Soothe pain
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Self-Help Tip #21: Believe in Something


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Believing in Santa might be fun, but there's someone MUCH more important we should ALL believe in . . . Ourselves! 

In this conversation, Caleigh Griffin (Director of Client Success for Whole U.) describes her journey to believing in herself -- From confusion and insecurity, to thriving - pursuing a Master's at Harvard, and soon moving to Japan to teach!

Caleigh admits that before...

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Self-Help Tip #20: Volunteer


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The holidays inspire us to pause our survival mode, and think of helping others. Whether collecting funds, food, or winter clothes, "volunteering (offering time, support, and/ or expertise to organizations or individuals) can foster feelings of connection and usefulness, as well as produce tangible health benefits - (e.g. decreased incidence of depression)."

Want to get started?

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Self-Help Tip #19: Drink Tea


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Remember when we freely met in coffee shops - to share our challenges, and dreams, over a warm beverage . . . ? I've maintained the ritual, with clients - (albeit virtually).

Want to plot YOUR goals for 2022?

  1. Click here to schedule a virtual tea date 
  2. Bring your drink of choice. (Mine is Matcha tea, which is thankfully "linked to a variety of health benefits,...
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