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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Entrepreneurship 101

This summer I helped my daughter London, and her cousin Raio learn a few basics about starting a business. We had FOUR lemons in the house, so decided to turn lemons ... into cash. How? 

(Pre) Sales:

Have a vision 

Find motivation

Get in action (preferably with a friend, or team)

Create a QUALITY product (in this case, FRESH / organic lemonade)

Whenever possible, use materials you already own

 Always make it with LOVE 

(During) Sales:

Find a good location...

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Dry Scalp?

I'm going DEEPER into the "wellness" theme, to simplify & purify life - from the inside out, and from head to toe. For example - when's the last time YOU thought of the hair follicles on your SCALP?

(Never? Oh right ... there's SKIN on my HEAD, needing TLC too!) 







I recently learned of the "Japanese Head Spa" treatment, that claims to:

  1. Remove oil and product build-up 
  2. Exfoliate dead skin/ ...
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Feel Pressure to FIND A JOB!?

Remember that FIRST summer after graduation ... that internal pressure to "GET A JOB!"  I was asked to join this panel of career coaches to advise a recent graduate - and offered these insights - which apply to ALL of us:

  • 11:15 - "Think globally, but act locally
  • 16:42 - Take initiative to share your voice 
  • 21:17 - Watch your mind  (and what you tell yourself) 
  • 40:27 - My #1 recommendation is to ... (CLICK...
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Where Balance Begins

If you experience imbalance in your body, it could be generating from... your FEET.


I recently felt discomfort in my left foot. So I found a shoe store with an Aetrex Foot Scanner - which "combines 3D imaging, machine learning and precise sensor technology to capture data," assessing how we distribute our weight.


I stepped on the scanner, and adjusted my sweatpants for the cameras. (Apparently my Care Bear socks did not...

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Does Your Fascia Need Smoothing!?

A friend of mine recently told me about The "Fascia Blaster" - invented by Ashley Black to smooth the body's fascia, that can get tight, bunched, and appear dimpled. (As seen in the diagram below, from AshleyBlackGuru.com)

Curious, I researched a bit more about Ashley's "business origin story." In short, Ashley was using her prototypes to help athletes with sports injures, and soon discovered that they also helped smooth the appearance of cellulite... (So while it has...

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Up-Level Your WFH Office!

I spend a lot of time working on my computer... 

So I finally decided to invest in an ergonomic work station: 

  1. Standing desk: https://amzn.to/3RymxmN
  2. Folding treadmill: https://amzn.to/3HVC3pD
  3. Backless chair: https://amzn.to/3DEfR11
  4. Desktop computer screen: https://amzn.to/3YkYp9I
  5. Computer arm: https://amzn.to/3RuNkjW
  6. Connecting cables: https://amzn.to/3HXGVLg
  7. Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3JX77aj
  8. Webcam: https://amzn.to/3JDY6m2
  9. Mouse (Apple...
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Self-Help Tip #52: Practice Acceptance

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers. 

You want to feel in control of your life. But Sometimes circumstances are so disappointing, that the only thing you can do is accept the way things areAcceptance is "a psychological state characterized by the absence of protest and any attempt at denial when confronted by a difficult or distressing situation or circumstance.

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Self-Help Tip #51: Go Outdoors

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers. 

(Heatwaves aside) summer is a beautiful time to get outdoors! The highlight of my summer was attending the MassQ Ball co-hosted by my friend Daniel Callahan. Held at Harvard's Arboretum, the event was a "large scale-celebration of ritual, performance, and cross-cultural arts, featuring the diverse artistry of Boston's communities of color." Being among the trees was truly magical.

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Self-Help Tip #50: Treat Yourself To A Favorite Food


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

“You are what you eat - so don't be fast, cheap, easy, or fake.” 

I'll always remember when my dear friend Matylda (who is from Europe) called STRAWBERRIES a "treat"! Sadly that sounded a bit foreign to me at the time. Like many children from the U.S., I had grown up yearning for candy, cookies, donuts, and cake. But are those...

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Self-Help Tip #49: Practice Feng Shui

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

After decluttering my dwelling (which pretty much took TEN years), I tried to implement some principles from Feng Shui ("an ancient Chinese practice of organizing objects, spaces, and architectural structures according to certain spiritual principles.")

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I read books by Feng Shui practitioner Karen Kingston, who claims that if your...

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