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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

How to be Virtually Authentic

As concerts, movie premieres and live performances continue to get canceled, virtual events are becoming the “new normal.” Yes, there's the added benefit of not having to commute far from your home, but many are dreading the thought of spending more time trapped behind their computer screens. 

By utilizing tools and practices effectively, virtual events can be “the next best thing.” Productive experiences can still be had . . . and can even be fun....

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Own Your Worth!

Feel like you deserve more at work? 

Get ready to shift your perspective on money, and earn more!

In this episode of the Whole U. PodcastAshley Paré, CEO of Own Your Worth - teaches us how to:

  1. Become our own best advocate
  2. Prepare for a salary negotiation &
  3. Establish boundaries of what we say “yes” to

Click below to listen in  

Blog post by Amelia Young:

Here at Whole U., we are all about confidence -...

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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.