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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

What's Your Type?

My Google search for "Flexibility Training" - brought me to Bob Cooley, aka "The Genius of Flexibility."

For 50+ years, Bob has been developing a unified healing system that is truly unique, transformational, and endlessly fascinating. His approach correlates: 

  1. Resistance stretching with 
  2. Traditional Chinese Medicine/ Meridians
  3. Organs/ muscles/ tissue AND
  4. Personality types - which he refers to as "16 Geniuses" - eloquently described in the video below . ....
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Does Your Fascia Need Smoothing!?

A friend of mine recently told me about The "Fascia Blaster" - invented by Ashley Black to smooth the body's fascia, that can get tight, bunched, and appear dimpled. (As seen in the diagram below, from AshleyBlackGuru.com)

Curious, I researched a bit more about Ashley's "business origin story." In short, Ashley was using her prototypes to help athletes with sports injures, and soon discovered that they also helped smooth the appearance of cellulite... (So while it has...

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