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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Become a Money Magician (or remain a "Money Fool")

It happens every year . . .  

  • The looming fear of an impending deadline 
  • Multiple piles of paperwork
  • Procrastination of the highest order

If TAX SEASON sparks denial, overwhelm and resistance,

THIS could finally be the year to:

  1. Get real (This money quiz can assess your underlying emotions - whether playing...
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Entrepreneurship 101

This summer I helped my daughter London, and her cousin Raio learn a few basics about starting a business. We had FOUR lemons in the house, so decided to turn lemons ... into cash. How? 

(Pre) Sales:

Have a vision 

Find motivation

Get in action (preferably with a friend, or team)

Create a QUALITY product (in this case, FRESH / organic lemonade)

Whenever possible, use materials you already own

 Always make it with LOVE 

(During) Sales:

Find a good location...

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Own Your Worth!

Feel like you deserve more at work? 

Get ready to shift your perspective on money, and earn more!

In this episode of the Whole U. PodcastAshley Paré, CEO of Own Your Worth - teaches us how to:

  1. Become our own best advocate
  2. Prepare for a salary negotiation &
  3. Establish boundaries of what we say “yes” to

Click below to listen in  

Blog post by Amelia Young:

Here at Whole U., we are all about confidence -...

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Set Better Boundaries

Do you feel it too? … That nagging need to evolve, improve, and be challenged? That constant desire to be somewhere else, and be some one else. Most of us experience this. But when’s the last time you stopped to get clear about what your ideal life would look like NOW?

For example, ask yourself:

  • How would I like to spend my time?
  • Who do I want to spend my time with?
  • What tasks would I complete?
  • Who would I help?

Clients work with me to get clear on questions like this, and to...

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How to Make a Good Impression

Do you want to be more... Confident, influential, and inspiring?

Watch this Whole U.® Book Review, and start implementing the three elements of being charismatic...

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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.