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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Why We Struggle with Weight

If you wanted to lose a couple pounds - what would you do? You'd likely try to: 

  • Exercise a bit more, and
  • Reduce the amount of calories you consume. Right?

If that works for you . . . great! But what about those of us who try this "simple approach" (of diet and exercise) but don't see progress?  Apparently there are MANY other factors to consider . . .

In this episode of Whole U. TV, Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford describes why weight management can be even...

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Self-Help Tip #1: Get Enough Sleep.


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Doh! Unfortunately this first tip is TOUGH for me. As a life-long insomniac, it feels like my circadian rhythm awakens at midnight, prompting hyper-productivity. Plus, sleep has become somewhat . . . disrupted [understatement] since my daughter London was born 3 years ago. But good excuses aside, I KNOW that "getting the requisite amount of sleep boosts cognitive function, mood, and disease...

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Preparing for New Life

Welcoming a new human to the planet is no small undertaking. So whether you’re a (future) mother -  (or somebody who supports one!) - this episode will help you think through the necessary mental and physical self-care, before and after childbirth.

In this episode of the Whole U. Podcast we interview Heidi Anderson (aka “The Plant-Based Mama”) - a fitness instructor who has studied nutrition and Ayurvedic medicine, and also became a first-time mother in 2018. ...

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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.