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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

The Let Them Theory - by Mel Robbins

"You've wasted so many years being so consumed with other people, their feelings, their thoughts, and what they're doing.

So let this book be your wake-up call:

You are in charge. This realization is not a condemnation, it's a liberation."

-Mel Robbins

When Oprah interviewed author Mel Robbins, and proclaimed that her book, The Let Them Theory is "BY FAR, one of the BEST self-help books" she ever read, I:

  1. Purchased it immediately
  2. Read it within a...
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Girl Scout Cookies - Yay 🎉 or Nay? 👎

It may have taken 35 years, but the FDA (finally) banned Red Dye #3. This has me thinking about what's possible for Girl Scout Cookies - which my daughter's Daisy troop is encouraging them to sell. Of course I had mixed feelings:

  • Concern - that Girl Scouts are promoting ultra processed food
  • Craving - (cookies are regrettably my favorite vice)
  • Support - of my daughter's learning through an entrepreneurial experience

With these contradicting...

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Clear Your Digestive System

If your digestive system is sluggish, you may want to look deeper . . . [Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, and you’re encouraged to consult your medical care team if needed.]  

I just finished a [doctor prescribed] medical diet.

I could not eat food for TWENTY days!

Instead, I drank a liquid “Elemental Diet” and herbal tea. Forgoing food felt extreme - but thankfully was worth it. Most importantly - clearing internal symptoms:

  •  Bloat
  •  ...
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Start Your Online Business TODAY!


I'm still buzzing after the 2024 "Kajabi Hero Live" summit in Los Angeles! 

For those unfamiliar with KAJABI - it's the platform I've used to build my:


  1. Website 
  2. Coaching 
  3. Blog 
  4. Podcast 
  5. Online Course 
  6. Mobile App 
  7. Community 
  8. Six figures - from the comfort of home
  9. Most importantly - confidence, freedom and joy through pursuing my life's work 


If you're NOT finding fulfillment at YOUR work...


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Blocking Noise Pollution

Living in the city can feel overwhelming. You might like to create little moments of peace - including sound healing. This video shows a few of the tools I use . . .


Items in the video include:

Welcome Mat

Steel Drum

Sound Bowl

White Sound Machine

Wind Chime




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Why Struggle for Life?


Preparing for Life

I became a mother in 2018, and was grossly underprepared. Not for lack of effort - but my preparation proved myopic. I had attended childbirth classes, watched videos, and read every line of “The Pregnancy Encyclopedia” - with most of my focus on my baby’s growth - but not my own.

My daughter London was born a week earlier than her due date. The empowered “birth plan” I envisioned was abruptly replaced by a whirlwind...

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Being proactively peaceful?


Across the country, hundreds of college students are protesting war. I remember finishing university when 9/11 happened, and wanting to do something proactive - (yet peaceful). So I: 

  1. Visited 7 countries in the Middle East & North Africa (Kuwait, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Israel, and Palestine) to get a first-hand understanding, beyond what I consumed through mainstream media.
  2. Completed a "World Peace Fellowship," and ...
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Become a Money Magician (or remain a "Money Fool")

It happens every year . . .  

  • The looming fear of an impending deadline 
  • Multiple piles of paperwork
  • Procrastination of the highest order

If TAX SEASON sparks denial, overwhelm and resistance,

THIS could finally be the year to:

  1. Get real (This money quiz can assess your underlying emotions - whether playing...
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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.