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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Why Keytar Bear Rocks

In this episode of Whole U. TV, you'll see why Boston Magazine ranked Keytar Bear and Abby Taylor among the Top "Reasons we Love Boston"! Abby describes how she helped this beloved musician return to his mission of "putting people in a better mood" . . . 

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Deeper Connections

Do you face difficult conversations directly?

Or prefer to avoid them?

In this episode of the Whole U. PodcastStanford Lecturer Ahmed Alashwah encourages you to grow stronger/ deeper/ closer relationships. By practicing a simple technique called "NVC" (Non Violent Communication), you'll start to:

  • Take full responsibility for your feelings & emotions and
  • Cease to blame and judge your self & others


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Peruvian Plant Medicine

In this episode of the Whole U. Podcast you'll hear from Gina Aprile about her healing journey with "Plant Medicine," and her intentions for sharing her experience. 

Evidence of plant medicine dates back thousands of years, and has been more recently popularized in the U.S. by celebrities such as Sting and Chelsea Handler. Plant medicine (e.g. Ayahuasca and San Pedro) are mixed from local cactus / plants, and are ingested to...

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Own Your Worth!

Feel like you deserve more at work? 

Get ready to shift your perspective on money, and earn more!

In this episode of the Whole U. PodcastAshley Paré, CEO of Own Your Worth - teaches us how to:

  1. Become our own best advocate
  2. Prepare for a salary negotiation &
  3. Establish boundaries of what we say “yes” to

Click below to listen in  

Blog post by Amelia Young:

Here at Whole U., we are all about confidence -...

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Flavorful Food . . . Hassle Free!?


  • A friendly woman shows up at your front door... 
  • With bags full of fresh groceries from Whole Foods, and ALL of the necessary tools to prepare delicious meals - (which YOU have pre-selected). 
  • She spends hours cooking (as scrumptious smells waft from your kitchen, and you get to sample the incredible food she’s preparing).
  • When complete, she labels the meals and stores them in your refrigerator (and gives you instructions...
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Why CBD is Mother Approved . . .

Now that even MARTHA STEWART is entering the business of promoting products with CBD . . .  can we conclude that "CBD" has truly become a “household name”. . . ?

In this episode of the Whole U. podcast, we hear from Bernette Dawson - Founder of “Made Organics” - a personal care line that’s introducing products infused with CBD - (the non-psychoactive compound of marijuana, said to have many benefits, including stress reduction). 


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Your #1 Body Part to Keep Fit . . .

Have you ever had an injury that not only HURT . . .  but also cost you money and time trying to HEAL?

In this Whole U.® podcast we hear from lldiko Varhelyi (Founder of NeuroCentric Health and Fitness LLC). Listen to her unique approach for preventing injury AND staying fit . . .

  Learn from Ildiko: 

  1. Listen to Interview: https://youtu.be/3HN_3dxcED4
  2. Website: https://neurocentrichealth.boston
  3. Facebook
  4. Instagram
  5. Youtube
  6. E-mail:...
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Every "NO" Gets You Closer to YES!

What does it REALLY take to make it in Hollywood . . . ?? In this episode of Whole U.® TV, we learn first-hand from Pili Montilla. As an EMMY Award Winning Producer, former MTV VJ, and social media influencer with over 100K followers - Pili shares how she: 

  • Manifested her dream job
  • Gained confidence from working with a life coach, and 
  • Uses her influence to effect positive change around the world 


Blog Post By Althea Champion


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Is Your Work/ Life Energized?

Do you zone out at work? Are you drowsy in meetings? Or find yourself slumping over your computer keyboard praying that a few minutes of sleep will refresh you for the rest of the workday? If this sounds like you, you might not be leveraging your physical energy.

One of my clients was fired for getting caught falling asleep at her desk too often. She insisted that she wasn’t out late drinking or anything of that nature, but rather was up late working, and catching up on her projects and...

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Pause The Chaos in Your Head . . .

According to the News... the world... is going crazy!

(But that doesn't mean YOU have to lose your mind too!)

In this episode of Whole U.® TV, Morgan Dix (co-Founder of "About Meditation") reminds us that peace of mind can be found...


  • At your desk
  • On the subway
  • Yes, even with family, during holidays ;)

Try Morgan's simple technique that will have you "meditating in minutes" - (and may even restore your faith in humanity :) 

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