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Self-Help Tip #48: Go To A 12-Step Meeting


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When life overwhelms us, we may feel tempted to turn to eating, shopping, working, gambling, alcohol, drugs, and other hedonistic distractions. But there's always the risk that those activities may become an addiction . . .

Alcoholics Anonymous (founded in 1935) has an estimated 2 million+ members, in over 150 countries worldwide. Their 12-steps are "a set of guiding principles...

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Self-Help Tip #47: Take Up A Hobby


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Summer is a perfect time to dust off your books, fishing rods, knitting needles, paint brushes, golf clubs, and other hobby tools . . . 

A hobby is "a leisure activity performed for pleasure and relaxation. Pursuing creative interests independently from the workplace can also lead to a sense of pride and accomplishment."

  1. Pick a hobby
  2. Obtain necesaary supplies
  3. Read applicable...
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Self-Help Tip #46: [RESIST] Indulging In Schadenfreude!


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There's a reason that reality TV, roast comedy, bloopers, practical jokes, gossip, and even competitive sports are all so popular in our modern era.

"Schadenfreude is a German word for the pleasurable emotions some people feel in response to other people's misfortune or embarrassment."


But there IS another (better) response . . .

As I walked through the park...

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Self-Help Tip #45: Write In A Journal


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Journaling is "writing down thoughts, impressions, feelings, gratitude, and dreams - in an attempt to process emotions more effectively." I've journaled on-and-off since the early '90s (and suspect it has saved me countless hours blabbing to a friend or therapist). 

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If you feel the need to vent, reflect, or have a...

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Self-Help Tip #44: Get a Makeover


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Are you in need of a makeover? (a "transformation that can improve confidence, self-esteem, and decrease feelings of insecurity.") 

  • Maybe you just want a new haircut, outfit, (or contact lenses) - like this man, featured in the makeover show Queer Eye for The Straight Guy . . .  
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  • Or, maybe you're...
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Self-Help Tip #43: Restrict Your Diet


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Sometimes your body whispers - (if not SCREAMS at you) to change what you feed it - i.e. "cutting a component from your daily food and beverage consumption for health, religious, medical, social or vanity-related reasons" . . . 

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In my case, I developed a painful rash on my hands (called Dyshidrotic Eczema). 

  • Many...
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Self-Help Tip #42: Remember To Smile


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These days I'm insecure about smiling, because I just got braces on my teeth (again). Which is obviously a shame because, "research has verified that smiling increases feel-good chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain, thereby reducing stress and promoting feelings of relaxation."


Want to smile? "An authentic smile is the product of a reflex generated by the...

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Self-Help Tip #41: Go Forth and Travel


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Having traveled internationally since I was 3, "travel" seemed to entail taking an airplane across an ocean. BUT travel is just a "journey to a place other than the location you live" ... Meaning, it doesn't need to be a faraway adventure, and could instead be a simple "road trip, or weekend jaunt." 

So to celebrate my upcoming birthday, I decided to...

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Self-Help Tip #40: Deprive Your Senses


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We are all overstimulated. So from time to time, you may feel a strong desire to ESCAPE . . . Escape from your spouse, your kids, your boss, your job, your responsibilities . . . your life.

One quick way to achieve this, is through sensory deprivation - "deliberate isolation and removal of external stimuli; often conducted in a chamber.

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Self-Help Tip #39: Make a Bucket List


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Life's demands distract from contemplating our expiration date, and what we'd like to accomplish with our remaining time. A Bucket List is "typically grandiose activities and goals that you would like to accomplish before you die."

Can you think of something(s) you'd put on your Bucket List . . . ? 

  • Something you'd like to learn?
  • Somewhere you'd like to travel?
  • Someone you'd like to meet?...
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