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"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Self-Help Tip #19: Drink Tea


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Remember when we freely met in coffee shops - to share our challenges, and dreams, over a warm beverage . . . ? I've maintained the ritual, with clients - (albeit virtually).

Want to plot YOUR goals for 2022?

  1. Click here to schedule a virtual tea date 
  2. Bring your drink of choice. (Mine is Matcha tea, which is thankfully "linked to a variety of health benefits,...
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Self-Help Tip #18: Take Up Gardening


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Do you LOVE your plants? While gardening is "the act of cultivating vegetation" - mostly for eating or aesthetics - plants can also help:

  1. Clean your air
  2. Help you breathe
  3. Reduce your stress

Which is a BIG deal - right? So even if you don't have an outdoor space, or can't commit to an elaborate "grow operation" - you CAN still nurture house plants (Below is a photo of one I...

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Self-Help Tip #17: Drink (Really) Fresh Juice

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Whether you're stuffed with turkey, or have packed on a few pounds for hibernation, you may benefit from a bit of a . . . cleanse. A surefire way to -ahem- lighten your load, is to drink fresh juice. This year I started many mornings with either:

(Both suggested by the self-proclaimed "Medical Medium" - a.k.a. Anthony...

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Self-Help Tip #16: Wake Up Early

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If you're already an early riser - kudos! But if you're a fellow "night owl," waking early may be a struggle. This practice will "increase the amount of time in the day to be productive" -  allowing for a more robust morning routine - such as:

If having more...

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Self-Help Tip #15: Behold the Power of Positive Thinking


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How often do you fall into the trap of negative thinking? Daily? Hourly?? This week, I invite you to practice the ESSENTIAL life skill of consistently choosing POSITIVE thoughts . . . "Deliberately optimistic thought patterns achieved by disciplined mental focus on what's working in life rather than what's not: can include techniques such as positive self...

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Self-Help Tip #14: Do Yoga

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

The pandemic required us all to adapt. One way to stay flexible is to practice yoga - the "ancient Indian physical discipline intended to prepare the body for meditation." I've practiced consistently since 1997, and attest that it "decreases stress & improves physical well-being."  

You can do yoga in the comfort of your home, with guidance from a teacher online. Here's one...

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Self-Help Tip #13: Face a Fear

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.


By now we all know that witches, goblins, and creepy crawlies aren’t really going to harm us (in any significant/ long-term way). But what’s even more spooky - are the fears that REALLY hold us back in our every day lives. 

Whether you're scared of  . . .  

  1. Speaking clearly
  2. Leaving your unfulfilling job, or
  3. Asking for what you think you deserve -


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Self-Help Tip #12: Tap Into Your Inner Child


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Remember when you were a small child:

  • You skipped instead of walking
  • Loved playgrounds, popsicles, and building forts...
  • Ya, I hardly remember it either. But it's not too late to resurrect that spirit. . .

"Embracing childlike aspects within your personality can induce pleasurable emotions and behaviors such as wide-eyed...

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Self-Help Tip #11: Learn A Martial Art


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"The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them."  - Miyamoto Musashi

 Hopefully you will never NEED to defend yourself in a fight ... but learning a martial art ("a combative sport involving elements of self-defense, spirituality, and intense discipline") will indeed help you develop the necessary coordination, flexibility and reflexes to do so.


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Self-Help Tip #10: Get A Pet


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Supposedly "pet owners are more relaxed and have lower blood pressure and fewer incidences of depression than their pet-less counterparts." So it's no wonder that pet stores, shelters, rescues, and breeders all saw an increased demand during the pandemic. Do YOU see more of the . . . 

  • "Pros" - New buddy; improved mood; employers allowing workers to bring their pet to work;...
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