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"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Know What You REALLY Need?

There's a belief that businesses should "sell you what you WANT - but give you what you NEED." And I confess I mainly focused on the first part of that equation - (helping you improve your resume, and orchestrate a confident career transition)... 

But I believe what you (we all) REALLY need goes well beyond a better resume, new job, fancier title, or bigger paycheck (although of course those can be very fun!) What we NEED is to...

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Whole U. Masterclass: Interview Mastery with Michael Neece

What's Your End Goal?  

For many, interviewing is a dreaded performance that feels disjointed and nerve-racking. For others, it’s an exciting chance to express themselves with ease. Either way, the interview is THE most important part of the job search. All of the work you put into your resume, cover letter and networking, was to get you an interview!

The Whole U. community hosted a true expert to cover this important topic: Michael Neece, the CEO of Interview Mastery -...

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Whole U. Masterclass: The Gig Economy - Featuring Diane Mulcahy 


At long last! Society is realizing that the “typical” 9-5 office job is not the ONLY option to build a successful career. Creative job seekers are recognizing that there are other routes to fulfillment - namely “The Gig Economy” - which allows people to: 

  • Find outlets to express other talents
  • Capitalize on passions and skills 
  • Build additional/ multiple streams of income
  • Impact the world more deliberately 
  • Have more freedom

To learn more, the...

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How to be Virtually Authentic

As concerts, movie premieres and live performances continue to get canceled, virtual events are becoming the “new normal.” Yes, there's the added benefit of not having to commute far from your home, but many are dreading the thought of spending more time trapped behind their computer screens. 

By utilizing tools and practices effectively, virtual events can be “the next best thing.” Productive experiences can still be had . . . and can even be fun....

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Up-Level Your WFH Style

The pandemic has brought Working From Home to a whole new level. Without having the structure of an office setting, it can be tempting to keep those pajamas on all day. This perk can turn into a bad habit. To discuss WFH style (and why it even matters) Whole U. hosted two experts on the topic: 

  • Lisa Ann Santin is a closet transformer, podcast creator, wardrobe magician and ethical fashion advocate. She acknowledged the challenge that Covid has presented for stylists...
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Why We Struggle with Weight

If you wanted to lose a couple pounds - what would you do? You'd likely try to: 

  • Exercise a bit more, and
  • Reduce the amount of calories you consume. Right?

If that works for you . . . great! But what about those of us who try this "simple approach" (of diet and exercise) but don't see progress?  Apparently there are MANY other factors to consider . . .

In this episode of Whole U. TV, Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford describes why weight management can be even...

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Self-Help Tip #1: Get Enough Sleep.


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Doh! Unfortunately this first tip is TOUGH for me. As a life-long insomniac, it feels like my circadian rhythm awakens at midnight, prompting hyper-productivity. Plus, sleep has become somewhat . . . disrupted [understatement] since my daughter London was born 3 years ago. But good excuses aside, I KNOW that "getting the requisite amount of sleep boosts cognitive function, mood, and disease...

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Sound Healing   



The gong of a bowl from Tibet . . . 

The rattle of a rain stick from Peru . . .

The hum of 7 crystal bowls - tuned to each of your chakras . . . 

The boom of a medicine drum - handmade with a First Nations Elder in Canada . . . 

And one beautiful voice . . . 

. . . That of Natalie Juul - a Meditation and Sound Practitioner. 

Natalie sits on a circular rug she found in Costa Rica. Surrounded by various crystals...

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Online Branding


Whole U. TV interviews @meganmarini on how to implement the "Science & Poetry" of planning and building an effective online brand.

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