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"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Self-Help Tip #8: Commit Random Acts of Kindness


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Do you enjoy doing "unprovoked altruistic acts conducted with the sole intention of brightening someone else's day"? When trying to share kindness, I try to DISCERN:

  1. My intentions - ("don't expect gratitude") 
  2. If it will truly be helpful or empowering to the other person 

What are YOUR favorite random acts of kindness?

  • Giving a generous tip
  • ...
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Self-Help Tip #7: Avoid Meat


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Are you a:

  • Carnivore?
  • Vegetarian?
  • Flexitarian?
  • Are you clear on whether consuming meat is GOOD for YOU? 

Many books (like "Forks Over Knives") and documentaries (like "Game Changers") advocate for a plant-based diet - suggesting that "cutting out meat can aid in weight loss and allay health risks associated with heavy meat consumption, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes,...

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Self-Help Tip #6: Do Some "FUN" Exercise


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

We all know exercise is GOOD for us.  But is it . . . FUN?? Obviously - "You're more likely to sustain a physically demanding practice if you enjoy it."

What movement brings YOU joy??

4 of my favorites - that can also be done at home - include: 

  1. Yoga with David Magone 
  2. Zumba Dance
  3. 10-Minute workouts with Youtuber Pamela Reif
  4. Multi-tasking on...
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Self-Help Tip #5: Talk About Your Feelings


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Do you like "communicating how you feel to another person"? Whether sharing with a family member . . . a cashier . . .  or a life coach - "expressing and naming your emotions promotes psychological well-being, increases disease immunity, and strengthens human bonds."

  • I was recently contacted by someone who read this mailing (that you're reading now) . . .
  • She...
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Self-Help Tip #4: Take Care of Your Oral Hygiene

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.


 Have you ever had:

  • A cracked crown?
  • Root canal to replace infected tooth pulp?
  • A surgery to replace gum recession?
  • MORE fillings for cavities in your 'sweet teeth'?

If not - pray you'll never have to . . . Trust me! I had to endure ALL of these procedures over the past few years.

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Self-Help Tip #3: (Don't) Visit an Acupuncturist!?


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

Have you ever tried acupuncture

Well, I knew that discussing the act of sticking needles in your body(!!) warranted some extra research . . . 


So I spent this rainy day (aka "Hurricane Henri") indoors, reading a fascinating book called “Trick or Treatment -...

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Self-Help Tip #2: Try Meditation.


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

If praying is TALKING to God - MEDITATION is LISTENING to God - (or your inner voice, higher self, the universe, or whatever you believe.) Think about your daily conversations. Talking is pretty easy, right? But listening is somehow more challenging.  

To help create a consistent meditation practice, try to: 

  1. "Determine the...
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Master Your Next Interview!

Ever get nervous when interviewing?

In this episode of Whole U.® TV, Michael Neece - CEO of Interview Mastery reveals how to master interviews . . .

Listen and learn how to: 

  • Effectively prepare
  • Create good rapport, and 
  • Avoid THE biggest mistake commonly made



To learn more, visit: www.InterviewMastery.com

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Digital Productivity


Cure Your Digital Pain

There seems to be no escaping modern technology. Whether ordering groceries, filling out forms for the government, or trying to schedule a simple teleconference . . . we're asked to interact with screens, platforms, software, and systems.

Some of us may choose to ignore it, avoid it, or even "live off the grid." Whereas others, Like Thomas McGonagle (a Solutions Architect at Armory.io), choose to learn how to manage and leverage technology to...

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The Gig Economy

Imagine: It's Monday again... Are you excited for the work-week ahead? Or do you feel stuck, trapped, and plotting your escape??

In this episode of Whole U.® TV, author Diane Mulcahy, shares an Exit Strategy from her book "The Gig Economy"...

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